For many who have been searching endlessly for a software that could assist you in attacking those tough GRE, GMAT tests, here comes Guru´s GRE WordList Memorizer as a final ray of hope.

The GRE Word List Reviewer is a smart tool that incorporates Microsoft Corporation´s Speech Synthesizer to deliver a quality audio assisted pronunciation and memorizing mechanism.

From the developer:
"The origin of this wonderful new tool goes back to the days when I myself was in the arduous preparation for the GRE. I came upon the idea of developing a simple tool that could assist me and many others to memorize those tough words in the Barron´s GRE Word List while, at the same time getting their pronunciation right. It also helped me a great deal in tackling the TOEFL, because the audio accompaniment familiarized me with the American accent."

Note: Windows 95/98/Me users should download Microsoft Speech API Libraries to hear the speech from the program. Download them from

Size: 1.01MB

Publisher: Visit Website

OS: Win 9x/ME/2K/XP