Translate.Net is client to many language services available online (translators, monolingual, and bilingual dictionaries). 17 services, 25 languages, 1352 translations directions. Used services - Google dictionary and Google translator, Wikipedia and wiktionary, SYSTRAN translator (used by Altavista Babel Fish). Features: ability to create user profiles - custom set of services, history of used language pairs which sorted by last use time, input locale catching (when user change input locale, the latest language pair from history is selected, when user select language pairs - input locale changed accordingly), system hotkeys (Ctrl+C+C and\or Ctrl+Ins+Ins) allow to activate Translate.Net and perform translation from any program easy. This version is the first release on CNET
License: Free
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Microsoft .Net Framework 2
Limitations: No limitations